
類型: 魯保羅變裝皇后秀 第十季 RuPaul's Drag Race Season 10 真人秀 美國 綜藝 2018 LGBTQ 美劇 同性 LGBT 美國 2018

導演: 尼克·穆雷

  On April 13, 2017, VH1 renewed the series for a tenth season, scheduled to began airing on March 22, 2018. Casting for Season 10 opened and later ended on May 7, 2017. This season will be the first to have Untucked premiere on VH1 along with Season 10.                                                                      The promo theme this season is neon. Promos were released on February 22, 2017.



《魯保羅變裝皇后秀第十季 》非常好看,讓我們來看看影迷都有哪些評論吧



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