
俄羅斯 2010

主演: 阿道夫·希特勒 Adolf Hitler 斯大林 格奧爾吉·康斯坦丁諾維奇·朱可夫

導演: Anna Grazhdan

  Military Channel關于二戰東線的紀錄片系列。
  Episode 1: Operation Barbarossa
  Episode 2: Kiev, 1941
  Episode 3: The Defence of Sevastopol
  Episode 4: The Battle for Moscow
  Episode 5: Leningrad
  Episode 6: Rzhev
  Episode 7: Stalingrad
  Episode 8: The Battle for Caucasus
  Episode 9: The Kursk Bulge
  Episode 10: From the Dnieper to the Oder
  Episode 11: Operation Bagration
  Episode 12: War in the Air
  Episode 13: War in the Sea
  Episode 14: The Partisan Movement
  Episode 15: Secret Intelligence of the Red Army
  Episode 16: The Battle for Germany
  Episode 17: Berlin
  Episode 18: War Against Japan



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